Summer officially ended two days ago, and even though i lament the passing of long days and cricket-filled nights, i do like fall as well. I have a whole list of "to-dos" that i never accomplished this summer, but i don't feel too bad because some of the things on my list have been there for 2-3 years now. I'll just add them to next summer's list when spring rolls around. And even though there are lots of things i didn't get done, we have been busy with a number of other projects like the hen house, canning, and lots of eating. I've been meaning to build a hen house for the last month. I was hoping to get it done before the chickens started laying, but i didn't quite manage.
In addition to the hen house, we've been trying to put up and cook with the garden abundance we've been enjoying.
Over Memorial Day we turned some of this:
into this:
And this last weekend, we turned more of it into this:
What, you already have eggs???
We've got nothin.
I guess the good news is that the one thing that has been on your list since you met with the stake president 18 years ago after returning from your mission is going to get checked off.
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