Sunday, September 7, 2008


Still so frustrated with my stupidity at Lotoja that all i can say is props to my brother for a strong, smart race; props to the rest of the crew for a sub-ten hour race; cheaters suck; and superthanks to the superawesome superamigas support and pots and pan cheer team.

Pre-race preparation.

A very welcome sun warming up Cache Valley.Caitydid showing off good musette bag hand-off technique.The SUPERAMIGAS!!Doing my own little time trial up Snake River Canyon (and not very happy about it).
The artist demonstrating his on-the-bike pee technique (that i really wish i had learned). Superamiga support and pot and pan cheer crew and I at the finish.

And thanks to the Superamigas for most of the photos.

1 comment:

fatguyonalittlebike said...

The mussette bag hand-off form looked really good when you rolled into Montpelier and crashed in the feed zone.
I tried to fire her for you.